Phase II Study of Epcor Alone vs. Epcor-R2 Consolidation After Anti-CD19 CAR T-Cell Therapy in MRD-Positive Lymphoma

This is a Phase II open-label, two-arm randomised non-comparative, multi-centre study to evaluate the efficacy of Epcor-only (Epcoritamab alone) or Epcor-R2 (Epcoritamab, lenalidomide and rituximab) as consolidation post anti-CD19 CAR T-cell therapy for patients that have responded by conventional criteria but who are at high risk of progression by virtue of being Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) positive as determined by a Circulating Tumour DNA (ctDNA) assay.

Detailed Description

Patients who have received CAR T-cell therapy for Relapsed/Refractory Large B-Cell Lymphoma, are in Complete Metabolic Response (CMR) or Partial Metabolic Response (PMR) and MRD positive post CAR T-cell infusion are potentially eligible. Once these patients have provided their consent, they will enter the screening phase. All events of Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS), Haemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)/Macrophage Activation Syndrome (MAS), Immune-Effector Cell Associated Neurologic Syndrome (ICANS), or infection must have completely resolved. Additionally, patients must have adequate organ and haematological function, and an ECOG performance status of up to 2.

Patients deemed eligible for the study will be randomised to receive Epcor-only (Arm A) or Epcor-R2 (Arm B) for 6 cycles. The primary endpoint is CMR by Lugano 2014 criteria at month 12 post CAR T-cell infusion.

Patients will undergo an interim response assessment after 2 cycles of treatment. Patients that complete the full 6 cycles of treatment or that discontinue treatment for any reason will have an End of Treatment visit and a Safety Follow-up visit at 60 days after Day 1 of Cycle 6. Patients with non-Progressive Disease (PD) then enter the follow-up phase of the study where they will undergo response assessments at month 12, 15, 18 and 24 after CAR T-cell infusion. Patients with PD at any time will complete a Progression visit. Patients that have completed the month 24 Follow-up visit or that they have progressed will be followed for survival and new anti-lymphoma therapy only. All patients will be followed for 2 years after the last patient randomised received the CAR T-cell infusion.