Advancements and Innovations in Cancer Research: Pioneering Pathways to Healing

Patients with histologically confirmed gastric adenocarcinoma with locally advanced gastric cancer are randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy with DT45Gy/25f plus three cycles of XELOX therapy or neoadjuvant chemotherapy alone using XELOX regimen following D2 gastrectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy for 3 cycles. The primary end point is disease free survival (DFS), and secondary end point is 5-year overall survival (OS), pathological complete remission (pCR) and treatment safety.

Condition or diseaseIntervention/treatmentPhase
Gastric CancerRadiation: Neoadjuvant ChemoradiotherapyDrug: Neoadjuvant ChemotherapyProcedure: R0 D2 GastrectomyDrug: Adjuvant ChemotherapyPhase 3

Detailed Description:

Background: Literatures have shown that patitents with locally advanced gastric cancer could potentially benefit from neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, but whether this can improve patitents' outcome is still unclear.

Patients and methods: In this study , patients with histologically confirmed gastric adenocarcinoma with pre-operative staging are cT3N2/N3M0, cT4aN+M0 and cT4bNanyM0, aged between 18-75 years old, with adequate organ function and having an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status score ≤2, are randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy with DT45Gy/25f plus three cycles of XELOX therapy (Capecitabine 1000mg/m2, BID, D1-14; Oxaliplatin 130mg/m2 on day 1 for a 21-day cycle) or neoadjuvant chemotherapy alone using XELOX regimen following by D2 gastrectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy with same dosage of XELOX therapy for up to 3 cycles. The primary end point is disease free survival (DFS), and secondary end point is 5-year overall survival (OS), pathological complete remission (pCR) and treatment safety. The final study analytics are to be conducted at the end of the 5th year after the last patient's enrollment.

Cancer Med 2024 - Nomogram for predicting pathological response to neoadjuvant treatment in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer: Data from a phase III clinical trial.open_in_new
ASTRO 2021 (Poster) - [VIRTUAL] Dose-Effect Analysis of Radiation-Induced Liver Disease During Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Gastric Canceropen_in_new