Advancements and Innovations in Cancer Research: Pioneering Pathways to Healing
Brief Summary:
PCR-DNA of EBV test is a good prognostic indicator for survival after treatment (report: Prognostic Impact of Plasma, Epstein-Barr Virus DNA in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Treated using Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy.
The chances of the local recurrence or metastasis are higher in the patients at same stage with positive PCR-DNA of EBV in Nasopharyngeal carcinoma after same treatment.(ref.) Antiviral drugs have been used to inhibit EBV replication and target viral DNA polymerase are Foscarnet and phosphonoacetic acid both interact directly with the pyrophosphate-binding site of the enzyme, where Acyclovir as antiviral drug act at two levels: as competitive alternative substrates, competing with GTP on the substrate-binding site, and as DNA chain terminators, by incorporating into the growing DNA chain and blocking its elongation due to their acyclic structure.
Primary Outcome Measures :
- Number of participants with Eliminated EBV titre as assessed by quantitative PCR-DNA in patients with NPC. [ Time Frame: 3 months ]